The Haines Borough School District is located in Haines, Alaska.
Please fill out the Free and Reduced Food Service form and return it to Tiana. This is how our school gets federal money and grants.
We have a new way to pay for school food. Click here to set up an account.
The District uses STOPit for anonymous student issue reporting.
Parent Permission for Youth Risk Behavior Survey.
4th Quarter Dates to Remember:
March 24 - 28 - Spring Break
Testing in April
May 20th - Class of 2025 Graduation & Scholarship Awards
Quick Links
- ** STOP It App
- 2024-2025 Calendar
- About Us
- Bell Schedule
- Bullying & Harassment Reporting Form
- Bus Contract RFP
- Calendar - HBSD Events
- Federal Programs: Public Complaint Procedures
- Glacier Bear Wear
- Haines School YouTube
- High School Activities
- High School Course Catalog
- Live Streaming Link (NFHS)
- Migrant Education Program
- New Students
- Practice Gym Calendar
- School Advisory Council (SAC)
- School Library
- Sign Up for A School Lunch
Our Mission & Vision
Our Mission: Utilizing the abundant resources of the Chilkat Valley and in collaboration with its communities, the Haines Borough School District empowers students to be contributing members of society and critical thinkers prepared for individual success.
Our Vision: The Haines Borough School District is dedicated to excellence in educating all students to achieve their full potential through actively:
*fostering a culture of inclusion that honors diversity and is founded on safety, respect, and responsibility;
*creating meaningful learning opportunities for intellectual, social, emotional, and physical growth;
*maintaining a healthy and supportive school community where together we thrive by demonstrating adaptability, resilience, empathy, and resourcefulness; and
*providing a rigorous academic curriculum, fine arts instruction, career and technical education, and extracurricular activities.